Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How To Fix Acne Problems For Good

          Although acne is a problem that many people suffer from, it is still a painful issue that devastates many people and rules many peoples lives. The advice in this article can help you stop worrying about blackheads and obsessing over acne outbreaks. Use this advice on ways to prevent outbreaks and have a clear, healthy complexion.
          You may want to look into what you are eating if you have severe acne. Research has yet to confirm that unhealthy diets cause acne, but if you're not getting all the nutrients you need from what you eat, it's harder for your body to fight off acne's effects. Eating lean meat, fruits and vegetables instead of junk food will allow your body to get all the nutrients it needs to keep your skin healthy and clear.
          One of the most important things to remember is to keep your body hydrated. Though soda and sugary drinks may seem refreshing, they do little to replenish your body's water supply. Remember, water is the most valuable player in the beverage world. Juicing at home can be a healthy alternative when you want a change of pace from water. When you juice your own fruits and veggies, your drinks are much more nutritious.

          Maca can greatly benefit your body. It's available in powder form and is taken to help balance the body's systems. It has no known negative impact. Begin the program by reading the directions carefully and start out with small steps.
          Cleaning is important, but using the right cleanser is also an essential part of proper skin care. Don't use harsh chemicals on your skin, as this can make it feel even drier. Tea tree oil is a great antibiotic cleaning solution that is unlikely to irritate your skin.
          Garlic is a great, natural way to deal with any irritations on the skin. Pimples are caused or aggravated by bacteria, and garlic has natural antibacterial properties. Simply crush a clove or two; then put the mixture on your problem areas. Try to avoid getting the garlic in your eyes. There will be some stinging, but it will kill the bacteria that causes the infection. Wait for a couple of minutes, rinse off the garlic, and dry your face. Do not aggravate your skin by scrubbing.
          To shrink your pores, use a natural green clay mask. The clay in the mask does an excellent job of soaking up the excess oils present in your skin. Allow the mask to dry completely, and then meticulously rinse your skin. Once you have gently patted your skin dry, wipe away any left over clay with a cotton ball soaked in witch hazel.
          You skin can be negatively affected by the results of stress which will cause breakouts. Prolonged and severe stress is bad for your overall health. For instance, stress may make you more susceptible to infection. By minimizing stress, you will be helping to keep your skin free of blemishes, and looking healthy.
It is important to plan your skin care. Your skin will feel and look amazing by using these tips as part of your regular routine. A weekly mask and garlic treatment, along with washing twice per day, will leave you with radiant skin.
Lilia Gray is well known as an article author who enjoys almost everything associated with beauty, and likes to use Keshima Cosmetic Brush Sets.
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Recommended Techniques for Treating Acne

          Acne is a common skin problem affecting hundreds of millions of people around the world. In the US alone, there are about 40-50 million people with acne. The condition affects people in all ages, including men and women, and particularly teens and young adults. Some women get the condition when they have attained the age of 30. Acne often appears in clogged skin pores. The clogs begin with dead skin cells which rise to the pore's surface, which are then shed by the body. When the skin starts to generate lots of sebum, the dead skin remains in the pore. Instead of finding its way to the skin surface, the dead cells are trapped in the pores.
          Sometimes bacteria reside inside the clogged skin pores, and they are offered an ideal environment for multiplying quickly. When you have loads of bacteria residing in your pores, the skin becomes red and swollen (inflamed). When the inflammation gets deep, nodules or acne cyst appear on the skin. Acne treatment is recommended the earliest time possible. Some of the recommended treatments include:

          The aim of microdermabrasion is to "resurface" the face. Fortunately, the procedure is not intense. The doctor often uses a brush to get rid of thick layers of surface skin. This helps to reduce or eliminate acne scars on the layers of the skin cells. A small device is then used to bombard the facial skin with aluminum oxide particles while sucking crystals off the face. This painless and easy procedure can last for about 30 minutes. Microdermabrasion is known to stimulate the production of new skin. Following the treatment, the skin becomes smoother and any discoloration (acne-caused or natural) in the face is diminished. To get the desired results, you will need several treatments, often varying with the condition of the problem.
Heat therapy
          This type of treatment helps to destroy acne causing bacteria. In addition, the procedure can help reduce the sebaceous glands, which often clog with the oils they produce. When their size is shrunken or reduced, the glands end up producing less oil, translating to fewer breakouts. The heat opens up the spores, heats up the follicles and increases chemical reaction initiated by the light treatment among the bacteria. People who undergo the heat treatment often experience redness over the treated areas, which clear up shortly. The procedure is ongoing, lasting about a month, with the results becoming evident within 2 weeks.
We provide the best info about Acne and Acne treatment. For further details please visit the provided links.
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How to Choose the Right Acne Product

          Acne is a very common skin problem among adolescents and adults, but there still isn't a one-size-fits-all cure. There are a variety of products and medications that you can use to help minimize or eliminate acne on the face and body, but which one is best for you? We take a look at some of the options.
          For more serious and persistent acne, a dermatologist or physician may prescribe you medication that can help. However, these aren't without side effects and are mostly used as a last resort. The medications commonly used can have undesired effects, such as nausea and dry skin, which for some people can be worse than the acne itself.
Topical treatments
          Topical treatments are typically a more concentrated treatment for acne - when compared to face washes and scrubs you will find on the market. A topical treatment will often contain chemicals such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, which are effective in reducing the appearance of pimples. However, these should be used sparingly as they can often dry out the skin or cause redness and swelling.

          Excessive use of strong topical treatments, particularly those containing benzoyl peroxide can cause burning and scarring of the skin if left on for too long or if the product is too strong for your skin type.
Face wash
          Sometimes finding the best face wash for acne is the perfect solution for moderate acne sufferers. Finding one that suits your skin type is important, as some can be very drying on the skin. People who already suffer from dry skin as a result of the acne should avoid products containing benzoyl peroxide and instead choose those with salicylic acid in them. Salicylic acid is just as effective at reducing pimples, but is much gentler on the skin.
Which one to choose?
          Essentially you need to let your skin tell you what you should do. Face washes designed specifically for acne-prone skin are a good place to start, as they are the least harmful on the skin and do not have the side effects of medication.
However, topical treatments are a good solution for those that have moderate acne and simply want to get rid of a couple of troublesome pimples. Topical treatments are fast acting but should not be used on a regular basis.
          If you find that you need to use the strong topical treatments regularly to get rid of pimples, you might want to speak to your dermatologist who can determine whether medication would be the best solution.
Read more about acne solutions at
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Do These Back Acne Causes Make Sense?

          It's been really hard to see exactly what the back acne causes are. Acne does not have any crystal clear causes thus far. The research workers and also the physicians haven't been in a position to learn the precise reason for the disorder. Yet, there are a few variables which will cause you to get prone to develop acne around the back area.
Raised Androgen Degree:
          Specialists think that increased androgen amounts may actually function as main source of back acne. Androgens will be the sex hormones which might be predominantly made by men. A small level of the hormone exists in girls also. Your body may overproduce these hormones which results in the creation of natural oil. This oil (sebum) collects in the openings of the hair roots, usually in the face area and back. The sebum in extra causes the growing of bacteria which results in the maturation of back acne.
          The physicians encourage their patients to put in a light to moderate physical activity to their own day-to-day routine. Exercise as well as physical activity are recognized to open the pores of the body which help in cleaning the skin.
Perspirationing helps the entire body to secrete out the waste materials which shields your skin from various kinds of illnesses including back acne.
When you sweat your body clears and cleans the skin, but you've got to make sure to take a shower to wipe away all the grime which has grown over time in your skin.
Inherited Causes:
          Some studies suggested that pimples in the back might be brought about because of genetic defect. The people whose parents have endured from acne before are prone to develop the disorder. Yet, there is absolutely no evidence regarding hereditary transmission of back acne. It's a very good index though, there isn't any have to be upset with either of your parents though, its not their fault either.
          Fried foods as well as the diet saturated in glycemic index can also be regarded as among the leading back acne causes. High glycemic index diet means the foods that are rich in sugar. A good example of foods which have a lot of sugar are white potato, white bread, biscuits, etc. Apart from that, the people who have hot (spicy) foods can also be prone to grow the "disorder".
          Those who possess a balanced diet are not as prone to produce acne. Upping your daily water consumption, having low glycemic index foods, and appropriate personal hygiene reduces the possibility of growing these skin problems. Yet, you'll never be able to be certain that following the directions will keep you utterly away from growing some pimples.
Excessive Perspiration:
          Perspirationing, following the exercise or intense physical action, is best for the skin and also the body. But too much perspiration may be dangerous for the body. It is suggested that you just clean off your perspiration when possible because bacteria will probably boost their growth in such surroundings. Here is exactly why individuals with great hygienic states are much less likely grow back acne. Ordinarily within thirty minutes of working up a great sweat is the optimum time to shower.
          While all the back acne causes aren't quite clear, it is clear that these spots are pretty annoying and need to go. One of the best ways to be rid of back acne without having to worry about them coming back is to know how to treat the problem at the source.
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How to Cure Acne - 10 Easy Steps to Cure Acne

          Acne is a skin condition that occurs due to the overproduction of oil by the oil glands of the skin. It is often recognized by the inflammation in the skin. Acne skin condition usually occurs during adolescence. Most of the people get it at some point during their life time. There are number of natural tips to cure acne. Acne can occur due to several factors which include heredity, hormonal changes related to pregnancy.
          Dermatologists will help you in the treatment for curing acne. By trying to cure acne with natural remedies we can avoid the side effects that might occur as a result of consuming pills.
There are many tips to cure acne. These tips have no side effects and are always safe.
  1. It is always good to consume plenty of water which will have a great and tremendous effect not only on your body but also on your skin.
  2. Your body becomes dehydrated when you sleep therefore it is good to consume water before you go to sleep at night.
  3. Fruit juices will help you in curing acne. Another great drink is the green tea which contains antioxidants that fight acne causing bacteria.
  4. To cure acne green leafy vegetables can be consumed. This helps to freshen up the body.
  5. Vitamin E is always essential for the skin since it guards the skin from acne.
  6. Keeping your mind calm without stress can also help you to get rid of acne.
  7. Before bathing apply a mixture of rose water, honey and tomato pulp on your face and allow it be there for twenty to twenty five minutes before washing it.
  8. Regular yoga will also help you stay healthy and maintain a good skin.
  9. Try to reduce heavy make up. Always try to go for natural products.
  10. Try to keep your hair away from your face and avoid pricking at pimples.
          Acne is extremely ugly on the skin. Natural remedies can be very effective in curing acne. All that your body requires is nutritious diet and maintaining a healthy skin. Eat carrot every day as it has vitamin A which is essential for maintaining healthy skin and it removes the excess toxins in the body. Change your pillow cover often. Do not get the oil from the hair to get into your face. Natural remedies are more powerful and help you in maintaining a healthy skin.
Cure Acne Naturally []. If You or Someone You Love is Suffering from Acne, Pimples, blackheads or whiteheads, Then This Will Be the Most Important Letter You Will Ever Read... []
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Acne Solutions That Work - Holistic Acne Treatment

          Knowing how acne works, what causes acne and why a person can suffers from acne is compulsory if you want to undergo a holistic acne treatment. Your goal is to get rid of internal causes that trigger acne breakout. Although acne can be controlled with pills or creams, but it is not a long-term solution. Once you stopped using any of these medications, the acne will return, and this is not applied to holistic acne treatment. The person who follows this treatment option can be truly free from acne.
          The holistic treatments eliminate acne problem with multidimensional approach. Instead of attacking directly on one of acne causes, this treatment option will work on all aspects of the problems. Its goal is to bring your body's system back into the perfect balance. In other word, your body's immune system will do the healing from the inside out.
          Believe it or not, there are over 17 million of people in United States are struggling with acne problems, and that is only one country. Based on the statistic, there are seven out of every ten teenagers are acne sufferers. As you can see, this is a very serious matter. This is the reason why there are literally
hundreds of different acne treatments or products that are storming the market. Trying to figure out which acne products or solutions that work the best for an individual is difficult. If you are unlucky, the acne products that you are currently using may hurt your skin condition further due to chemical reaction. This is why many people prefer holistic acne treatment over medication treatment. In this article, you will learn the 5 reasons why holistic acne treatment is the best alternative for your acne treatment.
1) Your body system is treated.
          Conventional treatment treats acne externally, while holistic acne treatment treats acne internally and improves your body immune system. It will seek the underlying causes of the problem and get rid of it for once and for all. There are so many variables to consider as any number of these variables working together can cause development of acne. This is why whole body treatment needs to be done in order to prevent acne continuing returning over and over again.
2) The improvement of your overall health.
          Not only your skin is going to be acne-free, your body health is going to improve dramatically too. It is because of the toxins that reside in your body will be treated and removed. Most of the food that you eat on daily is unhealthy. When these foods are consumed, most of these foods will leave a great amount of toxins inside your body, and resulting acne development and health problems.
3) Affordable and cheaper acne treatment option
          Many acne treatments on the markets are quite expensive and overpriced, and these acne products or services do not provide a long-term protection or solution. In fact, spending thousands of dollars on acne treatment products or services is quite common for many acne sufferers. With holistic treatment, it is also cheaper and affordable as you only need to change or tweak the pattern of your life style, and your diet.
4) The acne will be gone, and it will not return.
          The problem of many acne treatments is the effect is not everlasting. Once you stopped using it, the acne will come back. This is not something you can do about it. However, this does not apply to someone who is following holistic acne treatments.
5) It is safe
          Ask yourself, would you take a risk using any acne products that contain chemicals, which may burn or scar your skin upon using it? With holistic treatment, you are free from any harsh side-effect.
This is the 5 reasons why I think holistic route is better than conventional route. The only cons of the holistic treatment are it takes time to see the results, so it is not surprised to see many people are turned off with it. Accepting holistic acne treatment is simply the best choice to be made if you want to eliminate acne from your life.
If you are interested to read more articles about holistic acne treatment, you can read them at:
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The Best Spot Treatment For Acne

          What is the best spot treatment for acne? Well that depends on a number of things. Is your acne primarily white heads or black heads? Do you have surface acne? Is the acne more deeply inside your skin? Is the acne more like an internal cyst or is it more of a surface blemish? Are dealing with a spot or does the acne consist more of patchy area of acne? Is it before bedtime, or early in the morning? Are you going to put makeup on after your acne treatment? Do you have sensitive skin? How about acne scarring? Is your skin normally oily or dry?
          In determining the best spot treatment for acne, you need to consider all of the above things. Ok, now let's look at teenage and adult acne from a different point of view. Acne is created when a pore gets clogged up with excess oil, dirt, dead cells, etc. You get the white heads and black heads with a little bit of swelling, or just simply and little red swollen blemish area. With no place to go, this gunk plugs up the pore, and may become infected. This infection then reddens the area more and becomes larger and more noticeable. You may even get a more deep rooted infected area called an acne cyst.
Now you have a temptation to squeeze the zit with a satisfying pop, but now you may have introduced more bacteria to the area, and pushed more gunk deeper inside your skin. Gross! You have a hot date the next day or big function, but there is a big zit right on your forehead. Aaaaaaah! Chrysis time!
          Quick - I need the best spot treatment for acne. Like I said, it is not that simple. There are a few more things you need to know about acne, acne treatment. First of all, you need to wash your face at least two times a day, to remove any excess oil. There are some products that will also help to remove this excess oil, including benzoyl peroxide, Salicylic acid, resorcinol, and some sulfur containing products.
          In various ways and degrees these products help to dry your skin of oils, kill bacteria, and exfoliate some of the affected areas. In order of strength, benzoyl peroxide is considered the strongest and is used to treat the deepest acne. Benzoyl peroxide also tends to dry your skin more, which may result in dryer patchy area that has been treated. Salicylic acid is considered as not as strong as benzoyl peroxide and may be better for people with more sensitive skin. The sulfur products are a good match for more of the lighter surface blemishes, and are better for sensitive skin. This includes the most common acne skin care products on the market.
          The best spot treatment of acne in the less conventional category, you will hear about Tea Tree Oil. The main benefit of Tea Tree Oil is there are fewer side effects than using benzoyl peroxide, such as excessive skin drying, itchiness, etc. Tea Tree Oil works by killing the bacteria in the acne. The best acne treatment with Tea Tree Oil is to first wash your face or use an astringent like Witch Hazel to clean your face and remove excess oil. Now apply the Tea Tree Oil to kill the bacteria on the skin and in the pores.
          Can I eat chocolate and without causing more acne? The answer is a qualified yes!!! The main point is to reduce the amount of refined sugars you are taking in, as well as eating food with a lower glycemic index. Foods high in refined sugar, as well as too many dairy products may increase the likelihood of getting acne.
Do I need to get a prescription medicine for treating acne, or will an over the counter medication work for me? Try the over-the-counter medications first, along with a good face cleaning practices.
          You can use an astringent for cleaning your skin and removing oils. You may also consider a periodic use of a defoliant to remove old dead skin. Some exfoliates use a chemical process, some with a salt or sugar base work by abrasion. I hate to call it liquid sandpaper, but use of some exfoliates is more of a mechanical action than chemical. Some men have less acne due to daily shaving of their skin. No ladies, you don't have to start shaving! Along with this skin cleaning and oil removal, use a product to kill the bacteria. Start with Tea Tree Oil, since it is mild, before using something stronger. This is a good catch-all anti-acne practice.
          Ok, I still have that one big zit I need to remove of cover-up before tomorrow. What is the best spot treatment for acne? The best spot treatment for acne is what works best for you. This is the reality here. Below, I will list in no particular order a variety of acne treatment products. Based on the information above, you can learn more about these products and make an intelligent decision about what will work best for you.
1. Tea Tree Oil (kills bacteria)
2. Clearasil (cleans, exfoliates)
3. Mario Badescu Drying Lotion (contains Salicylic acid, claims to shrink whiteheads overnight, for all skin types)
4. Mary Kay's Acne Gel (good reviews on Amazon)
5. CLARISONIC (this is an electric skin cleaning brush, like a big electric toothbrush, along with a skin cleansing "clarifier". Basically, this system cleans and exfoliates. At $169 it is kind of expensive, but is worth considering if you have a persistent acne problem.
6. Lush's Grease Lightning (this appears to be a very good product, as a cleaner, dryer, skin moisturizer, and antibacterial. This includes Tea Tree Oil, and grape oils to treat dry skin. At $12.95, this is a buy!)
7. BOSCIA has a clear complexion treatment. It claims to control oil, purify and refine pores, and maintain a clear complexion.
8. Murad has several acne kits that include a clarifying cleanser, exfoliating acne treatment get, and skin perfecting lotion, whatever that is.
9. Kiehl's AcneBlemish Control Daily Skin-Clearing Treatment (this appears to be another cleaning product, with mixed reviews)
10.Clinique Acne Solutions 3 step system. This consists of cleaning foam, a clarifying lotion, and an oil free moisturizer. The clarifying lotion may include of Salicylic acid, so in this kit you are cleaning, killing bacteria, and countering the drying effect on your skin with a moisturizer.
11. Dermalogica has a number of products that are marketed to the adult market. What is interesting here is you can go on their website and take a quick survey and have specific products recommended. This is worth a look, if you need to take care of acne fast, and do it right the first time.
12. Burt's Bee's Blemish stick: There is no honey or bees in this product, but it does include 10 herbal ingredients, tea tree oil, and juniper oil. This product cleans, exfoliates, and kills bacteria. It appears to have gotten some good reviews. Worth checking out.
13. EXFOLIAC NC GEL FOR ACNE PRONE SKIN. This product appears to be a skin cleaner, oil remover, and exfoliate. May clear up skin in two days.
14. Nuetrogena has a series of products and has gotten many good reviews. Like Dermalogica, Nuetrogena has a website you can go on to target the best spot treatment for acne or any other acne treatment you need. Nuetrogena is definitely a one stop shop for acne treatment.
15. Origins Spot Remover. This product has received good reviews. It contains Salicylic acid, so it will kill the bacteria in the pimple and work the same degree as other products with salicylic acid.
I could continue with this list, with so many products claiming to be the best spot treatment for acne. What works best for you?
          Hello and thank you for reading this article about using Spot Treatment for Acne. If you like the article and have an article or comment you would like to post on my blog, go to Thanks!
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Find The Best Acne Treatment For You

          Acne is a very common, sometimes serious skin condition. While mild cases of acne can usually be treated with over-the-counter products, more severe cases may require the expertise of a dermatologist who can recommend prescription drugs.
          "The medications one uses for acne depend on type and severity," says Adelaide A. Hebert, MD, a professor in the dermatology department at the University of Texas-Houston Medical School.
Acne treatment may involve combinations of different kinds of medication: Some remove the dead skin and oils that clog pores and create acne, while other types of acne treatment target the formation of cysts typical of severe acne. Still other acne treatment works by attacking overgrowths of Propionibacterium acnes, a type of bacteria that occurs naturally on your skin but can cause acne when its growth is uncontrolled.
          In talking to your dermatologist about acne treatment, you should be familiar with the types of treatment your doctor might recommend.

Prescription Medications for Acne
Acne treatments include:
Retinoids. These are chemical products based on vitamin A. They're effective against blackheads and whiteheads as well as severe, or inflammatory, acne.
"Retinoids work by exfoliating the clogged pores (removing dead skin cells)," says dermatologist Heather Woolery-Lloyd, MD, of the University of Miami Cosmetic Center. "This class includes Differin (adapalene), which is good for sensitive skin; Retin A and Renova (tretinoin), which is good for most patients; and Tazorac (tazarotene), which is good for severe cases."
All are prescription medications. Dr. Woolery-Lloyd warns that each of these acne treatments can cause skin irritation when you first use them, but this should clear up within two weeks.
Common forms of acne such as whiteheads, blackheads, and inflammatory acne can be treated with retinoids, says Dr. Hebert, whereas cystic acne requires stronger medication, such as isotretinoin (Sotret, Claravis, Amnesteem, Accutane). Despite the serious side effects associated with isotretinoin, including birth defects, seizures, and stroke, Hebert says, "If you have true, severe, scarring acne and no other risk factors, it's still the best choice." Nevertheless, because of isotretinoin's risks, it's important that you remain under the close supervision of a doctor while taking it.
Benzoyl peroxide. "Benzoyl peroxide works as an antibacterial," Woolery-Lloyd explains. That means that this acne treatment fights germs that could be contributing to your acne. It is available over the counter and by prescription.
"Benzoyl peroxide also can be drying, but is well tolerated by most people," she says. One significant drawback to this acne treatment is that it bleaches any hair or fabric it comes into contact with.
Antibiotics. Topical antibiotics are creams applied to your skin. They fight bacteria that could be contributing to your acne. Occasionally, a dermatologist might prescribe an antibiotic to be taken by mouth for acne. If your doctor recommends an oral antibiotic, you should know that they often increase sensitivity to sun, Woolery-Lloyd says.
Oral antibiotics prescribed for acne include:
Tetracycline, doxycycline, or minocycline
Topical antibiotics for acne include:
Azelaic acid
Sodium sulfacetamide
Birth control pills: Another prescription medication that may be useful in women with acne is an oral contraceptive, which can help regulate hormones that may be contributing to your acne.
Many dermatologists recommend combinations of medications, such using a topical antibiotic with a retinoid. No matter which acne treatments you use, if they're not working and you continue to have bouts of acne, talk to your doctor. You may need to step up your program, or change it a little, for better results.
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Why Do I Get Hormonal Acne?

          Why Do I Get Hormonal Acne? Is It Due To Hormonal Changes, Or Something Else?
Experts have always known there was some sort of link between hormones and acne. Hormonal acne typically presents itself around age 20-25 and is most persistent in women over the age of 30. This over 20 group is gaining more attention and a multi-dimensional look at both causes and treatments.
          If you have sudden onset of adult acne for the first time, you should check with your doctor whether the culprit could be a cause other than hormonal changes. Pregnancy and menopause are also times when hormones dramatically shift creating the potential for sudden onset or increased acne breakouts.
          A recent survey of hormonal acne sufferers revealed that early half of all women experience acne flare-ups during the week before their period.1 Why? Estrogen levels reach their peak at mid-cycle, then decline as you approach your period, when the progesterone levels produced by your ovaries increase,
stimulating oil production in the sebaceous glands. Pores become blocked, creating a perfect environment for acne bacteria to multiply, creating an inflammatory blemish. Hormonal breakouts usually evidence themselves on the lower face, especially the chin and jaw line, although sometimes they will also show up on neck, chest and shoulders as inflamed lesions, blackheads or cystic-type acne. Hormonal acne is typically moderate and may cease for a time between monthly cycles - but it can be devastating when it pops up right before that important dinner party!
          Big contributors to hormonal acne can be the foundations, moisturizer and sunscreens that you use on your skin. Products geared toward the needs of aging skin do not put as much focus on being non-comedogenic (tested to not clog pores). Sunscreens, although a necessary part of skincare, are big culprits for breakouts. Keep experimenting until you find one that works without breaking you out. Also, mineral foundations and blushes that incorporate the ingredient Bismuth Oxychloride can cause cystic breakouts on cheeks and jaw line. Check your ingredients very carefully when choosing a mineral make-up.
If you think you have hormonal acne, regardless of your stage of life, it's always best to consult your dermatologist first. Find a natural acne treatment that uses salicylic acid (the most gentle that works by opening your pores through removal of dead skin cells from the pore) or benzoyl-peroxide, (if you can tolerate it, as it is more harsh on the skin, and don't mind using a chemical treatment). Importantly, look for a regime that also includes non-comedogenic hydration for your skin, as these treatments tend to be drying. Your dermatologist may recommend the addition of a prescription treatment as well.
          Besides daily, low dose acne treatment, diet and exercise can be important factors in keeping your skin clear from hormonal acne. A healthy, low-fat diet of fresh foods, and an active lifestyle, can do wonders in helping your skin cells stay healthy -- reduce stress too. All of these factors are key in preventing hormonal acne breakouts.
1. Kraning KK, Odland GF: Prevalence, morbidity and cost of dermato- logic diseases. J Invest Dermatol 73:395-401, 1979 (suppl)
There is a way to treat hormonal acne without harsh chemicals and side effects. Relogy Skincare was designed as the perfect solution for your skin which combines next gen science with natural, fresh ingredients. To shop our products, or learn more about your skin and acne, visit Thanks for reading!
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9 Bad Skin Habits That Lead To Acne

          Clear, healthy, blemish-free skin is a dream for many - and though you can't do anything about your hormones or hereditary, two main causes of acne, you can alter your daily routine to improve your skin's appearance. Break your skin care bad habits to prevent acne and enjoy the healthy glow of clear skin.
Acne, the term for what's commonly called pimples or zits, occurs when oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells clog hair follicles. People with oily skin may be more susceptible to pimples because of their acne-prone skin, but breaking bad habits can still help them - and everyone else - prevent acne.
Break These Acne-Causing Habits
          Here are the top bad habits that can take a toll on your acne-prone skin, resulting in pimples and blemishes:
Bad Habit No 1. Washing your skin too often
          Though it's important to keep your skin clean, washing it too often will only make acne worse. Instead, wash your face in the morning when you wake and at night before bed.
Bad Habit No 2. Vigorously scrubbing your skin

          Scrubbing your skin with a washcloth, loofah, or harsh exfoliant will cause significant irritation - and may worsen your acne-prone skin. To prevent acne, always wash with only lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser.
Bad Habit No 3. Not cleaning sweaty skin
          After you've had a tough workout or been outside in the hot sun, your skin may be covered with sweat. Don't let it dry on your skin - instead, always bathe or wash your skin promptly after sweating.
Bad Habit No 4. Picking at your skin and popping your pimples
          While it may be irresistible to pick or pop pimples, these behaviors can cause increased redness from squeezing the pus deeper into the skin and sometimes even scarring. Instead, keep your hands off your face and let pimples go back down to size with the help of an anti-acne lotion or cream.
Bad Habit No 5. Skipping the shampoo
          If you've got oily hair, that oil can seep down onto your face - and cause pimples. Make sure you wash your hair each day to keep excess oil off of your forehead, face, and back to help prevent acne.
Bad Habit No 6. Getting hair products on your face
          It's important to keep hair spray, gel, mousse, or other hair products off your face to prevent them from clogging up your pores. Cover your face when applying these products to keep them on your hair and off your skin.
Bad Habit No 7. Eating greasy foods
          While the food that you eat doesn't cause acne, greasy foods can make acne-prone skin worse because of the excess oil and grease that can get on the skin from the food itself. So stick to a healthy diet without greasy, fried foods to spare your skin - and your health.
Bad Habit No 8. Using cosmetics that contain oil
          If you've got acne-prone skin, the last thing you want to do is introduce even more oil. When you buy makeup and other skin products, look for oil-free options labeled with the terms "non-acnegenic" or "non-comedogenic" to help prevent acne.
Bad Habit No 9. Stopping your acne treatment
          If you're using prescription acne medications for your pimples, it's great news when your skin starts to clear up. But that doesn't mean you're free to stop using your medication. To keep a recurrent breakout at bay, finish all of your prescription acne medications as recommended by your doctor unless directed otherwise.
         Replace your bad skin care habits and practices with good ones to help bring acne under control. With a few simple changes, your skin - not your pimples - will be glowing.
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The Truth About Acne

          5 Common Myths About Acne, If you're trying to find out what's behind your acne breakout, first get the facts about acne. Clare A. Pipkin, MD, a dermatologist and an assistant professor of medicine at the Duke University School of Medicine, clears up some of the confusion about acne.
Acne Myth No 1. Poor Hygiene Causes Acne
          A lot of people have heard this one - that acne is caused by dirty skin.
"Some patients believe this and end up washing their face numerous times a day, sometimes scrubbing vigorously and using harsh astringents," says Dr. Pipkin. In fact, washing your skin too frequently and too aggressively can make an acne breakout much worse.
"Ultimately, this can lead to irritated, traumatized skin that looks worse after treatment," Pipkin says.
Instead, wash your face only once or twice a day with lukewarm water, a mild cleanser, and gentle motion - no scrubbing or harsh abrasive products needed. Make sure one of those times you're washing your face is in the evening, to remove makeup and dirt and sweat from the day.
Acne Myth No 2. Squeeze Those Pimples

          When that pimple sprouts, you may not be able to resist the temptation to squeeze it out to try to bring it down to size.
"Some patients will squeeze pimples in an attempt to try to open up a clogged pore," says Pipkin. "However, this usually leads to further inflammation, which makes the acne look worse and last longer."
Keep your hands off - and leave that pimple alone. Instead, try using an over-the-counter acne treatment gel, ointment, cream, or lotion to help it shrink. Look for products that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid - they're the most effective, over-the-counter acne remedies.
Acne Myth No 3. Junk Food Causes Acne
          You may have heard that eating greasy foods and candy can cause an acne breakout. Though there are some links between diet and acne, the relationship isn't quite what you may think it is.
"Many people with acne have oily skin, so for a time people thought that greasy foods should also be avoided," says Pipkin. However, a number of studies have shown that downing foods like French fries, cheeseburgers, and chocolate doesn't have any impact at all on your skin's health. But getting that grease on your skin can make an oily complexion worse, clogging pores and leading to an acne breakout.
Greasy foods may be off the hook, but there could be other diet culprits behind your acne breakouts.
"Milk consumption has been associated with an increased risk of acne. Other studies have shown that a low glycemic index diet that's high in fiber and fruits and vegetables is beneficial for acne," notes Pipkin. "So, if someone is suffering from acne, avoiding milk or sticking to a low glycemic index diet may actually be helpful."
Acne Myth No 4. Acne Goes Away on Its Own
          You don't have to suffer silently with acne - there are treatments available to clear up acne breakouts and help prevent future pimple problems.
Acne is caused by clogged pores in the skin - and they're often clogged with the skin's natural oils, says Pipkin. If your pores become clogged, the skin's natural bacteria can cause inflammation - and worsen acne.
Don't just leave a pimple to swell and mark your skin. There are plenty of treatments - both over-the-counter and prescription - available to help unclog those pores and clear up an acne breakout.
Acne Myth No 5. Tanning Beds Clear Up Acne
         If you're looking for a reason to justify using harmful tanning beds, acne treatment isn't it. This myth started years ago, when tanning beds became a popular acne remedy, says Pipkin.
"However, studies have shown that UVA light, which is the light typically used in tanning beds, does not benefit acne," she adds.
Not only does tanning not offer a benefit for acne, but it can damage your skin. "The World Health Organization has found tanning beds to be a risk factor for the development of skin cancer. There is absolutely no reason that anyone should ever use a tanning bed for acne or any other purpose," stresses Pipkin.
There are other acne myths out there as well. Ignore them, and talk with your doctor about acne treatments that will work for you.
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How to Get Rid of Acne and End Future Outbreaks

          There are several things that you can do, that you don't have to go buy anything special for that you can do to help clear up and fight acne breakouts. We have all seen the creams and pads, which actually can help in getting rid of and preventing acne. You still have quite a bit more you can do while also using the regular treatments.
          One thing you can do that will benefit you more than just helping keep acne away is working out. When you workout you sweat, when you sweat it helps to flush stuff out of your pores. It helps to keep them clean and open, although it doesn't do any good if you don't shower after, because everything that gets flushed out of your skin just sits on top and dries up, clogging pores even further. A half hour, three or four times a week is great, but any time is better than none.
          A second thing you can do is to keep your stress in check. Relax a little, take some yoga, workout, do something to take some stress off. When your body is stressed out you have elevated levels of hormones that cause elevated levels of oils, that unfortunately cause outbreaks. The great thing is that by cutting back on stress, it will help out more than just acne.

          The third thing you can do is shower. After you workout, sweat, or just through the day, your skin builds up dead skin cells, oils, and dirt. When you wash you remove everything that has built up during the day, or workout. Be careful though as scrubbing your skin too much can cause damage too, generally if you wash your face twice a day you should be good.
          One more thing that most of us probably don't think about is how often we or other things touch our faces. You use your hands for everything, that includes picking up all the bacteria and germs on the surfaces we touch. When we then touch our face, itch, rub, touch, we transfer those germs and bacteria on to our faces. This also happens with things like cell phones that our face comes into contact with on a regular basis. The best thing you can do is to regularly wash your hands, try not to excessively touch your face, and regularly clean things like cell phones by using simple wipes.
If you want to find a solution to end your acne problem just go to and read more.
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An Overview of Acne

          An Overview of Acne - All About Acne, We've all been there: the morning of a big date or important meeting, you look in the mirror to discover a major breakout. Whether it's just one pimple or a cluster, acne is one common problem that has several solutions.
What Is Acne?
          Acne, or acne vulgaris, occurs when glands in the skin produce and secrete too much of the skin's natural oil, called sebum. Sebum clogs pores in the skin, resulting in a pimple - or, worse, several pimples. Bacteria in the sebum can cause inflammation and worsen the acne.
A pimple or acne breakout can pop up anywhere, but usually strikes the face. Other common areas for acne breakouts include the neck, shoulders, chest, and back.

          Acne is a very common problem - actually, it's the most common skin condition affecting people in the United States. As many as 50 million Americans live with acne, and most of them are in their teen or young adult years. Although anyone can get acne - boys, girls, men, and women - at any age or stage of life, it's most common in teens. About 85 percent of teenagers will eventually get acne.
Causes of Acne
Acne can be caused or exacerbated by a number of different things, including:
Changes in hormone levels (such as during puberty or menstruation)
Cosmetics or hair or skin products
Having a family history of acne
Some medications
Something rubbing on the skin (like a hat or helmet)
Vigorous scrubbing of the skin
Acne Treatment and Prevention
          There are several different acne treatment options, and which one is best for you depends on how severe your acne is. A good skin care regimen is often the first line of defense for mild acne or the occasional pimple - that means washing your face no more than twice a day (but always after sweating) with a gentle cleanser and lukewarm water.
Sometimes, more treatment is needed to keep skin healthy. To clear up or prevent an acne breakout, you can try:
          Over-the-counter medicated cleansers, lotions, creams, gels, face pads, and morePrescription-strength topical ointments, creams, lotions, and other acne treatments
Oral prescription treatments, including antibiotics or oral contraceptives for women
Isotretinoin (Sotret, Claravis, Amnesteem, Accutane, and others), a pill prescribed to manage very severe acne
Injections of a corticosteroid
          Laser treatments, including blue light therapy, pulsed light and heat energy therapy and diode laser treatment.
If you have acne, you will probably have to treat it for for a long period of time - not just during an acne breakout. Work with a dermatologist to determine the most appropriate treatment for your acne, and how long you should follow the treatment regimen. It's important not to stop acne treatment before your doctor says it's okay - otherwise, you run the risk of having another acne breakout just when your skin starts to clear.
          Without treatment, you may experience persistent acne breakouts and scarring of the skin, as well as anxiety and low self-esteem. Often, acne will clear up after you're out of the teen years, but even some adults struggle with acne and problem skin and need treatment for it.
You don't have to deal with persistent acne - nor should you. Try over-the-counter treatments and healthy habits to help clear up problem skin, or for more severe acne see a dermatologist for prescription-strength treatments.
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How to Eliminate Acne Naturally

This Post About How to Eliminate Acne Naturally
1. Treating Acne With Egg Whites 
          The trick is , separate the egg yolks and egg whites take it. Whisk briefly and then apply to face and let sit for 15 minutes . The egg white will help reduce the oil on the face which often cause acne . 
2 . Treating Acne With Toothpaste 
          One thing to note here is the use of toothpaste shaped pasta ( such as Pepsodent ) instead of the gel form ( such as Close Up ) . Almost the same way both of the above premises . Apply toothpaste to acne and other parts around the pimples before sleeping . Let sit overnight / until morning and then rinse with clean water . 
3 . Treating Acne With Tomatoes 
          This fruit other than good for the eyes is also quite effective at removing black comedones ( blackheads ) . The first thing to do is slice the tomatoes in half and rub all over your face with acne and leave on for 15 minutes - 1 hour and then rinse . and eat for the care of the inside .
 4 . Treating Acne With Aloe Vera

          Take a leaf of aloe vera , cut into several pieces, peel the outer skin , apply on the acne that appears , and repeat doing it this way every morning and afternoon . If you are patient enough , acne may be able to dry and flake off for 3 days . Additionally aloe is also capable of removing stubborn acne scars . Once again the key is only one , painstaking . 
5. Treating Acne With Garlic
           There are two options in using garlic to get rid of acne . First with two or more mashing garlic until fairly smooth and then applied to the facial acne . Let stand for 10 minutes then rinse . While the second way is to take one or more of garlic every day .Many say this is quite efekktif both ways , but for those of you who do not like the smell of garlic may be better to resort to the other . Do not worry there are many other natural ways which I will explain below .
 6 . Treating Acne With Always Clean Face 
          Always facial hygiene care every day of dirt and dust on the road. For we are always active and dealing with road dust , then be diligent to clean the face before or after the activity . As the consumption of the , then multiply eat vegetables and drink water . Those who do not like vegetables . ! , The fruits that contain water can be an alternative in treating the face of the deep. Because the content contained in fruits and vegetables are believed to make our face more clean and radiant .

Saturday, February 22, 2014

10 Foods To Eliminate Acne and scars

10 Foods To Eliminate Acne and scars, In the life of every person at least once we have experienced an unexpected breakout or acne blemishes . We then tried to find the root cause of acne and how to prevent it . We understand the foods that cause acne and more specifically foods that can help fight / prevent it . By incorporating some of these foods in death we increase the likelihood of acne ward . In this article we discuss 10 common foods that can be used for the rapid tips to get rid of acne scars as well . There are other foods and food -related that can fight acne similar to the same effect . Below are 10 foods that can prevent acne at the root of their cause , especially blackhead often we pry . 
1 .Cucumber and Cabbage 
        Cucumber , Cabbage , Cantaloupe , Watermelon , Parsley , lettuce , and a variety of other foods that contain high water absorption can help to increase the intake of water in your system . Increasing water intake is recommended as it is recommended to drink 8 glasses of water a day for a successful acne diet . These foods also contain vitamins and nutrients that help in preventing and reducing acne .
2 .Green Tea 

          Green tea can help cleanse the body and adding polyphenols that help strengthen cell . All of these properties are the same as green tea help in cleaning the water body / organ and prevent / reduce acne .
 3 .Plain Yogurt

          This does not include vanilla flavored yogurt or yogurt . Like many flavors of yogurt contain refined sugar can have acne cause for contract properties of probiotics in yogurt .By having plain yogurt with fruit antioxidants you can include probiotics and antioxidants in one serving . By having plain yogurt with fruit you can have two methods for the prevention of acne in one . 
4 .Greens 
         Lettuce , artichokes , spinach , and other leafy greens similar known to aid in the prevention of acne . These foods contain vitamin A which is needed in a balanced diet and should be included every day . 
          Whole grain cereals, breads and other whole grain foods can help prevent acne compared to the alternatives .These foods also contain zinc which can also help in preventing acne and helps reduce acne scars . This is not a complete fix for acne scarring though . I highly recommend reading our official health department website to get the latest updates .
 6 .Omega - 3 Fatty Acids 
          Fish that contain omega - 3 can help prevent acne . They also can reduce obesity when consuming foods high in omega - 3 and helps prevent the growth of cancer .Some foods that contain high amounts % of the daily value of omega - 3 are walnuts , salmon , sardines , soybeans , shrimp , halibut , and know . By combining many of these foods we can obtain many health benefits as a result . 
7 .Broccoli 
          Along with containing various vitamins ( including vitamins A , B , C , E , and K ) are also considered as anti - oxidant and can be an agent to help resist / reduce acne . Broccoli is one of the largest vegetables in preventing and reducing acne . It never hurts to eat at least once a day serving . 
8 .Garlic Cloves 
          Insert garlic into the diet has been shown to reduce and prevent acne at this time to some extent . This does not include garlic powder or garlic salt for garlic is not pure and can contain other acne causing agents.
 9 .Lemons and Lemon Juice 
          When lemon juice is added to the water to help cleanse the body and organs , especially our skin . The citric acid in lemons can help clean up the bacteria in the pores . It can also help in preventing acne and reduce it slightly .Another benefit is that the lemon juice is applied directly to the acne scars can help reduce scarring . Lemon is a natural cure-all to combat , prevent , and reduce acne scarring . 
10 .Foods high in anti - oxidants 
          Foods such as blueberries , raspberries , strawberries , cherries , black beans / red , a particular apple ( granny smith , gala ) , plums , cranberries , pecans , and others can be very helpful in preventing acne . It is also advisable to eat a balanced diet including all food groups in preventing acne . With anti - oxidant incorporated in our diet we can increase our struggle in preventing acne .          The most important is that the core of acne and acne scars can be prevented , and can also be treated , as long as you know how. Do not ever get too stressed or worried if your acne does not disappear within 1 day . Give at least 3 weeks . Then you will never regret 've read this post .

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pregnancy Acne Treatment

          Pregnancy Acne Treatment - Acne During Pregnancy, Pregnancy is the most crucial period in the life of a woman. Especially, the time she is pregnant for the first time, it gets too difficult for her to maintain her mental equilibrium and posture. She remains most tender; and unexplainable feelings of anxiety grip her. This is the time, when she requires understanding and sympathy, the most.The most unwelcome development for her during this period is sickness. She remains always doubly worried. Firstly, about her own constitution, and next, how to properly support the other growing tiny self within her! Her worry about the later aspect is much more.Is it common to be more prone to acne when you're pregnant?Pregnancy sometimes brings on acne or makes it worse.
          Higher levels of hormones called androgens can prompt the sebaceous glands in your skin to get bigger and boost production of an oily substance called sebum.This extra sebum, combined with the shed skin cells that line your hair follicles, blocks your pores, creating an environment in which bacteria can rapidly multiply.You can provide her with good reading material or articles on how the other women have faced similar situations in their life and how they were able to tackle it successfully.Such success stories do a lot to boost her moral courage. That is the real medication needed at this time of her life.

          Don't allow her heavy mood swings to overpower her. Keep her in good humor by talking to her sweet nothings and by telling her that acne is indeed a minor problem!But if the depression persists, it could be Postpartum Depression (PPD). Before it gets serious, consult a psychiatrist or a specialist.What about over-the-counter acne medicated creams and astringents?When choosing over-the-counter medicated acne cleansers and treatments, it is advised that you consult with your health care provider first.
          There are products that contain benzoyl peroxide, which have been recommended safe for pregnant women to use. However, there are over-the-counter medications that you may want to avoid such as products containing salicylic acids.Research has been done and top Dermatologists agree that there has been no cause found to prevent using these products to treat Acne during pregnancy. However, the main choice lies with the woman as to whether or not she feels comfortable using these products during the pregnancy period.When it comes down to it, there really is no exact safe Acne treatment during pregnancy. The best advice is to simply wash the affected area with mild soap twice per day and avoid using makeupPsychology Articles, if possible. Just remember that it is only temporary and will go away within a few weeks of your baby being born. 
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Read out for Pregnancy. Check out health Insurance and High Business

Acne and Diet

          Why You Need to Pay Attention to What You Eat with Acne, You might be asking yourself, what does acne have to do with my diet?  Well, when you think about it, it's quite simple.  Imagine if you ate nothing but donuts and coffee for breakfast every morning, had a chocolate fudge Pop-tart for morning snack, enjoyed McDonald's takeout for lunch, slurped a chocolate milkshake for afternoon snack, grazed on a frozen TV dinner in front of "Law and Order" every night, and topped it off with a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream for midnight snack.  What would your body look like on the inside? 
          You'd be carrying 200 pounds of fat, spiking your cholesterol level sky-high, pumping your blood full of unnecessary sugar, and putting your liver, spleen, pancreas, and intestines into overdrive.  Well, this might or might not surprise you, but your skin would be no different.  It would be suffering the same kind of nutritional famine the rest of your body would experience, except it would be in the form of raging red acne.
          So do you see how acne and diet have EVERYTHING to do with each other?  In order to properly get rid of toxins in your body, your organs eject them in all sorts of places, your skin included.  Even if you don't eat all the junk described above, you still probably have no idea what your body really needs to fight off acne.  The more toxins you pour in on a daily basis means the more toxins that come into contact with layers of your internal skin, which will eventually surface, helping cause cysts, zits, pustulesArticle Submission, and blackheads - all known otherwise as acne. 
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So where should you look to find relief?  I've seen a number of diet plans that are supposed to help with mapping out what exactly your body needs to stay healthy on the inside and out, but the only one I've found that does the job is at  Here you will find the happy medium between acne and diet and learn everything you need to know to control your acne and live an acne-free life. 

How to Properly Start Your Diet for Acne

          So what is the best way to start going on a diet for acne?  There's three steps I always recommend acne patients take when starting an acne diet. 
1. Vitamin supplements and minerals:
          Adding things like 50 mg of zinc and 1000 mg of vitamin c will help your body support anti-acne processes, such as detoxifying your body from what's currently causing your acne.  Don't overdo it on the supplements, as high amounts can be toxic, but use them with care and you will soon be able to keep your acne under control.
2. Fiber and vitamin-c rich foods:
          Adding things like fruits with skin (apples, kiwis, blueberries, peaches, plums, pears, prunes, etc.) and multi-grain breads and brown rice can all help clean out acne-causing agents in your body, allowing blood flow to circulate out all those pustules and stuck sebum. 
3. Guide for a diet for acne:
          The best way to begin an acne diet is to buy an acne diet guide.  Just pumping fiber-rich foods into your body is just going to make you have to go to the bathroom, not necessarily get rid of your acne.  But with a guide that can help you determine how to properly start a diet for acneFree Web Content, you'll be well on your way to eliminating your acne.
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Going on a diet for acne will not only boost your self-esteem, it will help you clear up your skin without ever needing to make a doctor's appointment just to get an expensive prescription.  I highly encourage you to check out, where you can sign up for a free e-letter to give you weekly tips on how to get rid of acne.  Plus, you'll get a free acne e-book just for signing up!

Acne Diet

          Three Supplements You Must Add to Your Acne Diet, Whether or not the docs have it right, your diet does, in many cases, have an effect on your acne.  Whether it is a direct or indirect link, there are nutrients you can eat that will improve your acne.  Lack of these nutrients in your diet may result in severe acne, acne scars, and the inability of your body to control and eliminate your acne.
          So what nutrients should you include in your acne diet?  Here's three that are the most helpful, according to research and acne studies.

1. Zinc: I personally take one 50-mg tablet of zinc every day with lunch.  Why?  Not only does it fend off colds (which I'm typically pretty susceptible to), it also helps my body control my acne.  Since I started taking it over a year ago, my acne has gone from moderate to almost nonexistent, with a few breakout exceptions.
          Make sure you eat a full lunch when taking zinc, however.  It can upset your stomach if there's not enough food in the tank to handle it.  Also, only take a daily limit of 50 mg, as an overdose of zinc can be poisonous.

2. Vitamin A: This vitamin is found in fish oils, which is why I take one fish oil with dinner every evening.  It improves the overall look of my skin and prevents breakouts on my face.  You can take more than one of these per day; taking one or two per day is a good way to start out.

3. Vitamin E: It's not necessarily healthy to apply Vitamin E extract on zits, as some might think, since Vitamin E is usually known for being such a good skin product.  However, taking Vitamin E internally will help improve your acne.  You can find Vitamin E in sunflower seeds, almonds, peanutsComputer Technology Articles, and other such foods.

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These are all relatively inexpensive ways of adding value to your acne diet.  But there's many other foods that will help you control your acne and be acne free for good.  You can find the answers to all your acne diet questions here at

A Simple Acne Prevention Diet

          An acne prevention diet will reduce the amount of acne that appears on your skin, specifically your face, chest, shoulder and back.
There are many different ways of putting together an acne prevention diet, but the very simple truth is:
1. Limit bad fats
2. Cut back on sugar and carbohydrates
          Fats, oils and grease are some of the things that you will need to reduce in your diet. An acne diet must not contain oily, greasy and fatty foods. It is quite easy to see which foods can aggravate an acne problem since oily, greasy and fatty foods are very apparent both to the eyes and the taste buds.
          Mayonnaise, eggs and some salad dressings are also included in the foods to avoid in an acne diet.  
Studies have shown that carbohydrates that exhibit an elevated glycemic index (GI) or the more important glycemic load (GL) increase the risk of an individual developing acne breakouts.

These studies have shown a remarkable link to carbohydrates and sugars that increase of acne breakouts due to the high glycemic load of these foods.
           On the other hand, an acne prevention diet consisting of carbohydrates, which have a low glycemic load and more lean protein have turned out favorable responses. 
Other food items to be reduced or excluded from an acne diet are dairy items like whole milk and cheese, and as stated above, the most important thing to eliminate is – “sugar”.
Sugar has been noted to be one of the main causes to increase the presence of acne; therefore, an acne diet should have no sugar.
          Many people doubt the link between daily diet and the development of acne, but there is actually a link between an acne prevention diet and the reduction of acne since what we eat eventually manifests itself in our bodies.
          Adults can have bouts of acne long after their puberty. An adult acne diet is basically the same or similar to that of an adolescent acne diet. There should be a reduction of fatty and greasy foods as well as sugars and carbohydrates with high glycemic load.
          HoweverFree Web Content, acne diets are not total acne cure diets. An acne diet will just reduce or limit the amount of foods that can aggravate your case of acne. The diet just acts to lessen the acne; however sticking to an effective acne diet can drastically reduce the presence of acne.
Other factors that cause the acne should still be considered and treated.
Find out how to treat and cure your acne for good.  or go to this review site to find the absolute best acne products on the market today.
Source: Free Articles from
Lynne Campbell is a writer and researcher for the website

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What is the Mediterranean Diet?

          A lot of research has failed to find any 'magic ingredient' in the diet but a detailed analysis has built up a profile of the sort of food eaten and it is suggested, by those who recommend the diet, that this is the diet you need to follow for top health.
          In short, the diet uses lots of vegetables and fruit along, of course, with tomatoes, maybe quite a lot more than many people at present eat. In terms of fruit and vegetables it certainly contains more than the five portions a day recommended in the United Kingdom. In fact, many people in that area eat upwards of ten portions of fruit and vegetables a day, so there is some catching up to be done. In this, however, they are mirroring the recommendations of most nutritionists that we increase our intake well above the five portion guideline.
          Very little red meat is eaten, much less than in most other countries, with the emphasis more on fish, and locally caught fish at that. It is well known that oily fish, like sardines, are an important source of the vital omega-3 oils which help reduce heart attack risks and boost the immune system.

          Perhaps not quite so much cheese is eaten and much use is made of locally produced cheese made from goat's milk or the lovely, soft, fresh feta-like cheeses. Snacks, too, are a little different, and seem to consist of fresh or dried fruits like figs, apricots or maybe a handful of nuts and seeds. This, again, seems to be very much in step with modern nutritional thinking. From their point of view, of course, the people in that area are simply eating what their forefathers have eaten for generations before them.
          Add to this the use of olive oil in cooking and the non-use of modern margarine containing 'hydrogenated oils (trans-fats), and you begin to see why the diet has so many people excited.
          Of course, nothing is, or can ever be, that simple. It may not be just sufficient to copy the diet, perhaps we have to copy the lifestyle to experience the effect.
          The people of that area are a very relaxed people who have a generous, outgoing nature and are very community based. Meals are generally taken together as an extended family, or with friends, sitting around a table in the evening and freely talking over the day's events while they leisurely eat. Contrast that with your household!The area is sunny and pleasantly warm and physical work plays a large part in most lives while cooking is a skill handed down from mother to daughter and lovingly practiced in the kitchen for far longer, I suspect, that many Western cooks would tolerate.
          Also, most meals are cooked from prepared, fresh food and flavored as they cook or at the point of serving, and so a not inconsiderable cooking and food preparation skill is required along with a good and varied knowledge of how to use a wide variety of ingredients.
          However, if you enjoy cooking then Mediterranean food may well be for you since there is a great deal of satisfaction in cooking simple, well flavored food from fresh, basic ingredients and then sitting down to eat it with your family.
          From a nutritional point of view, the diet is a good one, especially if you can combine it with some quality exercise and if you can eat as a family and do so at a leisurely, unhurried pace. This last point would produce a much more relaxed way of eating and enhance social pleasure which are all things that tend to make us feel happier and more content. And this is something, we are told, that's helps make our lives more enjoyable and, ultimately, will help us live longer and be less disease-prone. It's an interesting thought that perhaps if we can copy the way of life and add to this the ingredients then we might have a recipe for a longer, more satisfying life ourselves.
          The Mediterranean diet is a good diet to follow and I recommend it to you but I also urge you to take on board the other Mediterranean traits, tooFind Article, the better to enrich and flavor your own life and the lives of those you love.
Read More About  Mediterranean Diet
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