Thursday, May 7, 2015

Organic skin care !!!

The most natural skin care has to be organic.  In fact, some might say it was probably the first method to be considered when mankind realized skin car was necessary.  Not only is skin care better for your skin it is inexpensive.  Keeping your skin healthy and younger for a longer time is the result that can be realized by preventing skin disorders; all this can be accomplished when organic skin care is applied in the correct way.

The most popular elements of organic skin care routines are fruits and veggies.  Like cucumber!  Other foodstuffs that find a use in these routines are apple, ginger, papaya and turmeric. Mixed together these organic materials leave a very refreshing and revitalizing effect on skin.  More than ever people  are moving to natural elements and that includes skin care.  Start experimenting with the different fruits and vegetables choosing the ones best suited for your skin type and most suitable for your new skin care routine.  You must use organic fresh fruits and vegetables.

If you are looking for good cleansing properties, milk is a good choice; in fact some skin care products have the word milk right in them.  |Ground oatmeal and milk makes a great cleanser.

Especially good for oily skin, ground oatmeal is a popular ingredient in an organic skin care regimen.  It comprises various mixtures e.g. with milk, fruits, egg and honey it’s for preparing facial packs.

Another great ingredient is wheat germ.  Wheat germ is rich in Vitamin E because of its exfoliation properties and also as a moisturizer.  Preparing facial masks for dry and normal skin types, wheat germ is used in many different  combinations.  Wheat germ oil is also a good way for wheat germ use in organic skin care.

For exfoliation and moisturizing sour cream and yogurt can't be beat.
Organic honey is also used in skin care mixtures.  Honey gives a glow to the skin and helps retain moisture.
A great toner, rose water takes it place in organic skin care routines.  Another popular one is lavender water.

All organic combinations complement each other and improve the other's affectivity.  Learning organic skin care is an art and once you understand it you can have wonderful results and save a pretty penny too.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

OTC Acne Treatments

It is always a good idea to consult your doctor, even if yours is just a mild case of acne.  Especially before you test it yourself.

You will find hundreds of acne treatments sold over the counter; at least some of them are somewhat effective. Many of us tend to try something "new" when it is recommended by a friend or we're reacting to an advertisement that catches our eye.  You would be far ahead to make an appointment and talk to your doctor?

 he or she can advise you on what will work for your best results.

We come in all sizes and shapes and no two of us is alike? it stands to  reason then that one medication may not be the right one for all of us.  Your acne could differ greatly from that of a friend.  A basic understanding of the ingredients contained in acne medications will allow you to make better decisions about how to treat your acne.

One of the popular ingredients in acne treatments is benzoyl peroxide.  It fights acne with two-fisted action and is found in creams and gels.  It treats bacteria on top of the skin where pimples are formed.  It also removes oils and dead skin cells from it.  Black heads and white heads are created when the dead cells mix with sebum and block the pores.

Existing lesions can be safely treated with benzoyl peroxide.  Used on skin that is clear it can prevent
acne-causing bacteria from developing.  If it tends to dry the skin you can control it by applying less.  It will also bleach hair and clothing so take care using it.

Another ingredient in treatments is salicylic acid.  It gets rid of the dead skin cells that block pores.  Products containing salicylic acid should be used on clear skin to stop the acne from returning.  Some people report drying and skin irritation.

Sulfur and resorcinol are also common ingredients.  Rescorcinol removes the top layer of skin and in doing so removes dead cells before they plug pores.  No one knows how it works but sulfur is another thing that is used for acne treatment and has been for over fifty years with good results.  It usually isn't used alone because of the bad smell but when mixed with an ingredient seems to make them
work better. Of these ingredients, benzoyl peroxide is the best option with the most versatility. It is used in creams,gels, lotions and soaps safely.  Use these products directly on the pimples and surrounding skin several times a day.

Acne and Rosacea Treatment

Acne and Rosacea Treatment
Acne and Rosacea Treatment
Rosacea is a debilitating affliction and if you have had it you have suffered.  Not many people can understand the shame and embarrassment associated with bad skin especially with a red rash on your face.  Rosacea never totally clears and can even leave scars.  People who have this ailment are
faced with scarring for the rest of their lives.  However, there may be hope with laser treatments for Rosacea?  many report wonderful results.

Sadly, even though dermatologists know how well the laser treatments work for Rosacea they are expensive.  Insurance companies consider the laser treatments as cosmetic surgery so the patient has to pay out of pocket making the cost unreachable for most people.

However, time does usually bring positive change.  More affordable, Rosacea laser treatments are now commonplace. They appear to be more effective also.}

The first thing a patient must do is determine which method is best for him or her.  Research  will help you decide which of the several different types of Rosacea laser treatments is best for you.  It usually boils down to a couple of factors. how severe is your scarring and how much money can
you spend.  Over-the-counter ointments and creams may  help mild or superficial scarring.  Advanced laser treatment, prescription meds and laser therapy are usually the best course of action for severe cases.

The Rosacea laser treatment will reduce the scarring but will not totally rid your face of the scarring.  However, your dermatologist will likely show you before and after subjects when you meet with him.  Results vary from person to person, however, so don't forget we are not all created identical and neither will our treatment be.

Many people say that they are pleased with the outcome of their decision for the laser therapy. The skin's appearance improves and it greatly affects their self-esteem.

Read More: Scalp Acne

Scalp Acne

Scalp Acne
Scalp folliculitis, aka scalp acne, is much more prevalent than many people are aware of; it is also the mildest form of acne.  We all know about acne breaking out on the neck, arms, back and face. Unless you have had it break out on other areas of the body you probably weren't aware that it does our.

Periods of life where you undergo a tremendous amount of  stress can induce acne and scalp acne in particular seems more prone to occurring along with stress.

It usually happens when  a particularly oily shampoo is used or if hair goes unwashed for a longer period than normal? it is very irritating.  It's hard for the sufferer to refrain form touching it because it itches.  The sores are painful, small and crusty in the mildest form.  You will see them erupt in your hairline on the forehead.  You may have a lot or just a few. 

If you have larger, inflamed papules that have black-colored crusts you have acne necrotica miliaris. 
This type leaves scars that are similar as Chicken Pox scarring.  

The most severe scalp acne can affect anyone regardless of sex or race, seems to affect for adult African-American men. 
There is a mix of bigger cysts and smaller papules and pustules that and grow very large? it is an extremely rare condition.

Scalp acne treatment

The same treatment for any other acne is pretty much the norm for mild scalp acne.  Use a product that has salicylic acid to keep the affected area clean.  Remember to use only on the areas that are affected because it can be drying. Be sure to use a shampoo that is for oily hair because oily hair is a factor in scalp acne. Some success is reported by using hair care products specially created to treat

You should be concerned about any hair care products you use, not just  shampoo so check your labels and adjust however necessary.

Always consult a dermatologist before attempting to treat the more severe types of scalp acne.  While benzoyl peroxide works on regular acne, it should never be used on scalp acne.  Peroxide colors hair and unless you want someinteresting side effects avoid using it on your hair.  This is especially true if your hair has been processed in any way i.e. perms, colored etc. 

Read More:  Acne and Vitamin Supplements

Friday, May 1, 2015

Acne Scar Removal And Medical Insurance

Removing scars is expensive.  Usually, multiple treatments are required to effectively reduce the long-term results of acne? of course this is dependent on how severe the acne
was and  the amount of scarring.  One of the problems faced by acne sufferers is finding out how they can pay for surgery to remove scarring not covered by medical insurance.

Some companies refer to removing acne scarring as cosmetic rather than necessary and make approval to proceed difficult.  The only way you are going to know for sure is to refer to your policy and review it.  You should have a copy of your policy no matter who provides it.

Cosmetic treatments and/or surgeries are just often not covered by your medical insurance.  If you can't find the answers you need in your policy, contact your representative and make certain he answers the questions about your coverage.

It may be of some help to have your doctor write a letter to your insurance company on your behalf.  His or her recommendation pertaining to the treatment for removing the scars should be included in the letter as well as his full contact information. 

You should expect a response with 30 days upon submitting to your insurance company.  The company will reply with a denial or an acception; it may come to you or the physician.

In the event it is denied you may still have other options.  The hospital might have a payment structure to assist in covering the cost of the surgery if your situation  warrants laser surgery.  When lack of medical insurance prevents treatment, some hospitals will offer this kind of arrangement to assist the patient in affording the procedure.  You need to find out if the hospital offers such
a program. 

You can contact the billing office at the hospital to determine this.  If it is available, the doctor will have to prepare the full cost of the procedure and present it to the finance office. If you are approved it will make your obligation much easier to handle.

Read More >>  Acne and Vitamin Supplements