Saturday, May 2, 2015

Scalp Acne

Scalp Acne
Scalp folliculitis, aka scalp acne, is much more prevalent than many people are aware of; it is also the mildest form of acne.  We all know about acne breaking out on the neck, arms, back and face. Unless you have had it break out on other areas of the body you probably weren't aware that it does our.

Periods of life where you undergo a tremendous amount of  stress can induce acne and scalp acne in particular seems more prone to occurring along with stress.

It usually happens when  a particularly oily shampoo is used or if hair goes unwashed for a longer period than normal? it is very irritating.  It's hard for the sufferer to refrain form touching it because it itches.  The sores are painful, small and crusty in the mildest form.  You will see them erupt in your hairline on the forehead.  You may have a lot or just a few. 

If you have larger, inflamed papules that have black-colored crusts you have acne necrotica miliaris. 
This type leaves scars that are similar as Chicken Pox scarring.  

The most severe scalp acne can affect anyone regardless of sex or race, seems to affect for adult African-American men. 
There is a mix of bigger cysts and smaller papules and pustules that and grow very large? it is an extremely rare condition.

Scalp acne treatment

The same treatment for any other acne is pretty much the norm for mild scalp acne.  Use a product that has salicylic acid to keep the affected area clean.  Remember to use only on the areas that are affected because it can be drying. Be sure to use a shampoo that is for oily hair because oily hair is a factor in scalp acne. Some success is reported by using hair care products specially created to treat

You should be concerned about any hair care products you use, not just  shampoo so check your labels and adjust however necessary.

Always consult a dermatologist before attempting to treat the more severe types of scalp acne.  While benzoyl peroxide works on regular acne, it should never be used on scalp acne.  Peroxide colors hair and unless you want someinteresting side effects avoid using it on your hair.  This is especially true if your hair has been processed in any way i.e. perms, colored etc. 

Read More:  Acne and Vitamin Supplements

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